Monday, January 2, 2012

How to Reduce Kickboxing Injuries?

Kickboxing is a competitive sport, and it is also a popular form of exercise that can build strength, quickness and endurance. Those who participate in the sport of competitive kickboxing subject their opponents to kicks and punches and are themselves subject to these blows as well. As a result, kickboxing participants can sustain injuries.
Back Injuries
Back injuries are the most common injuries suffered by kickboxers. According to the National Institutes of Health, back strains and sprains were the most reported injury. Knee, hip and shoulder injuries follow most frequently in terms of incidence. The back is used extensively to get the body in the proper position to deliver punches and kicks. Many of the movements involved are hard twists, which can result in sharp pain along the spine. In most cases, only rest is needed, but more serious injuries can require medical attention.
Knee Injuries
The knee is at risk because you are constantly moving around the ring to get in position to throw kicks and punches. Some of the movements may involve quick steps forward and back, and sprains may result. You are also firing quick kicks, and a mistimed kick can result in an injury. Also, your opponent is throwing kicks at you as well and a kick to the leg can result in a knee injury.
Nearly everyone involved in the competitive sport of kickboxing will sustain some bruising. If you are going to throw punches and kicks at your opponent, he is going to do the same to you. The accumulation of blows or one or two hard blows can result in black and blue bruises that can make movement difficult. The only way to avoid these injuries is to not get hit, which is not a likely scenario.
In amateur kickboxing matches, athletes wear headgear to protect the head from punches and roundhouse kicks. In professional kickboxing matches, the competitors do not wear head gear. A hard punch or kick to the head--whether headgear is worn or not--can result in a concussion. If kickboxers suffer a concussion, they cannot get back into the ring until they are cleared by a medical doctor after undergoing a battery of diagnostic tests. A second concussion before the first one has has healed can have a catastrophic impact.
In kickboxing, as in any contact or combat sport, the athlete must get into top cardiovascular condition before entering the competition. Athletes must hit the speed bag, punch and kick the heavy bag, jump rope and do roadwork to be in top condition and be ready to react to an opponent's punches and kicks. If your reactions are sharp, you are in a better position to avoid blows and also fend them off.

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