Millions of amateurs around the world who play golf are central to the sport's continued success. Amateurs, however, also have a responsibility to help maintain the great traditions associated with golf. Knowing the rules, elements of etiquette and basic play are all important for anyone who wants to take up the game.
A complete set of rules is available on the United States Golf Association website. While most golfers don't have the rulebook committed to memory, they should know fundamental rules. Golfers should understand that the ball must be played as it lies, that the maximum number of clubs allowed during a round is 14 and that a free drop is permitted only under certain circumstances.
Penalty Strokes
Golfers should know the penalty strokes attached to various situations. Lost balls and balls hit out of bounds are penalized with one stroke and a return to the site from which they hit the previous shot. Balls hit into a water hazard or a ball deemed to be unplayable result in a one-stroke penalty. Water balls must be dropped in the designated drop zone or behind the hazard, keeping the point the ball crossed into the hazard in line with the drop. Unplayable lies must be dropped on a direct line back from the ball or within two club lengths of the ball and no closer to the hole.
A basic expectation among all golfers is that everyone on the golf course will practice generally accepted etiquette. This ranges from observing silence when another player is about to hit a shot to making sure not to hit into the group ahead of yours. Golfers also are expected to return the golf course to the condition in which they found it. Filling your divots in the fairway, repairing your ball marks on the green and raking bunkers after finishing in them are considered good etiquette.
Pace of Play
Slow play occurs frequently on golf courses, often the result of players who aren't paying close attention to the progress of their group. All golfers should be aware of when it's their turn to play a shot and will, ideally, have calculated yardage and decided which club to use before that. Players should avoid playing mulligans -- "do over" shots -- or multiple balls. That just slows play.