Cheerleading stunting adds excitement to the cheers and routines your perform. Basket tosses are some of the most awe-inspiring stunts you can do. Careful attention to safety is paramount when learning and performing any basket toss. Special attention should be given to the safety of the area you are practicing in. Ceilings must be high enough for the toss and flooring must meet safety standards as well. Practice this stunt only with the supervision of a qualified cheer coach.
Main Bases
Step 1
Grab your own wrist, and then grab the other base's wrist so your hands form a platform for the top person to stand on.
Step 2
Bend your knees with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing straight ahead. Keep your back straight with your shoulders over your hips.
Step 3
Dip down deeply with your legs, not changing the angle of your arms at all.
Step 4
Explode up with your leg and butt muscles first, following with your arms. Follow through all the way until your arms are pointing straight up to the ceiling.
Step 5
Keep your eyes on the top person while she is in the air and stay ready to catch her. You should keep your feet ready to move in case the top person does not come straight down.
Step 6
Catch the top person as high as you can, keeping your arms straight up until she reaches them. Slow her descent by hugging her to your body. Catch with one arm on her legs and one on her lower back.
Top Person
Step 1
Start with your hands on the shoulders of your main bases. Rise up on the balls of your feet.
Step 2
Dip down deeply and jump hard off the ground, gently landing on the platform made from the hands of your main bases with your feet together and your toes pointing forward.
Step 3
Ride the toss down as your bases dip and back up as they explode up. Use your hands to push hard off your bases' shoulders, helping to get yourself into the air.
Step 4
Lift your arms up riding as high as you can. Keep your body straight and tight with your abs pulled in toward your spine.
Step 5
Begin your descent, allowing your hips to fall slightly faster than the rest of your body so that you naturally pike as you land in the cradle of your bases' arms. Catch yourself with your arms wrapped around their shoulders. Keep your legs together and straight as you land in the cradle.
Back Base
Step 1
Stand behind the top person with your hands on her hips.
Step 2
Dip down with the top person, lifting her by the waist and assisting her with landing on the bases' hands.
Step 3
Let go of the top person's waist and quickly slide your hands under the platform of hands to assist with the tossing phase.
Step 4
Toss straight up as hard as you can, leaving your arms in the air ready to catch the top person.
Step 5
Make contact with the top person as soon as you can reach her. Scoop your fists under her armpits, cradling her head and shoulders against your chest. Tip your head to one side to avoid banging heads with her.
Front Base
Step 1
Stand in front of the stunt. As soon as the main bases connect to form the tossing platform with their hands, place your hands underneath their hands to assist with the toss.
Step 2
Stand in a lunge with both knees slightly bent, keeping your head and shoulders out of the way of the top person's knees as she loads in.
Step 3
Toss the top person straight up in synchronization with the other bases.
Step 4
Move out of the way quickly once the tossing phase is completed. You will not help at all with the catching phase of a toss.