Friday, January 20, 2012

How to Reduce Shoulder Stiffness in Golf?

Golf requires smooth body motion to produce an efficient, fundamental swing. One of the challenges for older golfers, or those with joint injuries, is maintaining that smooth swing. Arthritis, shoulder replacement and rotator cuff injuries make backswings and smooth finishes difficult. To get your game back on par, consider proper preparation, swing adjustments and gear adaptations that can help eliminate your stiff shoulder problems.
Step 1
Play golf in the afternoon when temperatures are warmer. Your joints and muscles will naturally stiffen in the cold temperatures of early morning or late evening.
Step 2
Warm up before playing by going for a short walk of about 10 minutes. Warming up will increase blood circulation to your joints and muscles, causing them to loosen and relax.
Step 3
Stretch your shoulder by pulling it across your body with your other arm. You can also help to warm up your shoulder by pointing your arms straight out and making small circles with your extended hands, clockwise and counterclockwise, for 30 seconds each.
Step 1
Adjust your backswing to a lower top position to reduce the stress on your shoulder joints. Reducing your backswing by one-third will not cost you much distance, but may offer a significant increase in comfort.
Step 2
Use smooth follow-through, focusing on allowing your shoulders to swing through the ball. Stopping the shot abruptly can hurt a stiff shoulder and ruin your shot.
Step 3
Tee the ball up higher than normal to reduce the stretch required to reach the ball. Teeing the ball up higher will also reduce the risk of hitting the ground, the impact of which may hurt your stiff shoulder.
Step 1
Use clubs with more flexible shafts that give more distance on lower swing speeds that protect your stiff shoulder.
Step 2
Use low-compression balls that are also built for slower swing speeds. By using low-compression balls, you can achieve the same distance with a more compact, controlled swing.
Step 3
Use a golf cart or pull cart instead of carrying your golf bags to reduce shoulder fatigue. If you get a pull cart, pull it with your left shoulder.

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