When you add stunts to your cheers, you add a level of excitement that can help you get the attention of the crowd. Once you have their attention, you can get them cheering with you. If your squad is getting bored with the same old elevator and straight cradle stunts, add a 360 load-in to your elevators to spice up your routines. By adding a twist as you build the stunt, you increase the difficulty and the interest level of the stunt.
Main Base
Step 1
Start with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold your back hand palm up with your fingers pointing toward your secondary base. Twist your front hand so it is palm up with your fingers pointing toward your stomach. Both hands should be at the height of your belly button.
Step 2
Receive the top person's foot and bend down with your legs only, dipping to gain power. Shoot the top person straight up by straightening your legs and then driving your arms up until the top person is above your head and your arms are almost straight.
Step 3
Release the top person's heel, twisting her by turning the ball of her foot with your front hand. Keep your back arm extended and with your hand ready to catch her heel again.
Step 4
Grab the top person's heel with your back hand, placing your palm under her heel. As you grab her heel, re-position your front hand. At this point, the fingers of both hands should point at your secondary base.
Step 5
Dip down into a load-in position, by lowering the top person's foot back down to belly-button level as you bend your knees deeply. Push up, lifting her foot until it is at eye level.
Step 6
Settle the top person's foot into a shoulder-level elevator position. Hold her foot firmly just in front of your chest. Do not rest her foot on your chest.
Secondary Base
Step 1
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Place both hands, palms up, at belly-button height.
Step 2
Receive the top person's foot as if you were performing a regular elevator. Dip down with the main base and shoot the top person straight up into the air as high as you can.
Step 3
Hold the top person's foot lightly. As she turns, her foot will leave your hand for her 360 rotation. Keep your arms up so you are ready to catch her foot at the end of her spin.
Step 4
Catch the top person's foot as soon as you can. You arms should be above your head when you catch her.
Step 5
Dip down into a load-in position by lowering the top person's foot back down to belly-button level as you bend your knees deeply. Push up, lifting her foot until it is at eye level.
Step 6
Settle the top person's foot into a shoulder-level elevator position. Hold her foot firmly just in front of your chest. Do not rest her foot on your chest.
Top Person
Step 1
Stand behind your bases with your hands on their shoulders. Rise up on the balls of your feet to a ready position.
Step 2
Dip deeply and jump hard off the ground. Use your arms to support your body weight as you gently place your feet into your bases' hands.
Step 3
Ride the elevator to the top by shrugging up with your shoulders and keeping your body as tight as possible.
Step 4
Turn your head to look over the shoulder that is above your main base. This will begin your rotation. Keep your body tight and hold your legs close together as you spin.
Step 5
Catch your bases' shoulders as they lower you back down into the load-in position. Keep your rear end high and do not look down as they dip you before finishing the elevator.
Step 6
Ride back up into an elevator, straightening your body and holding yourself tight. As they settle you into a shoulder-level position, hit the designated arm motion your coach as chosen.
Back Spot
Step 1
Stand behind the top person with your hands on her hips. Assist her with loading into the stunt and use your hands on her waist to steady her as she settles her feet.
Step 2
Flick your wrists to throw the top person up and help her rise into the elevator.
Step 3
Keep both arms up and your eyes on the top person as she spins and begins her descent back into the load-in position.
Step 4
Catch the top person with both hands on her rear end as soon as you can reach her. Slow her descent by resisting against her weight as she is lowered down.
Step 5
Dip with the other bases and give the top person's rear a slight push up. As soon as you can, grab her ankles and hold her steady as she settles into her elevator position.