The muscles that make up the hamstrings play a vital role in the golf swing along with the other big muscles in the upper body and core. While having sore hamstrings may not directly hurt your golf swing, they could cause some discomfort and cause you to compensate for the pain by putting more pressure on other parts of your body. For example, a sore hamstring could lead to increased pressure on the knee, ankle and hip on the side of the body with the hamstring soreness.
The Hamstring's Effect on the Swing
Many of the longer hitters on the PGA Tour gain some of their power by straightening their lead leg against the ground, providing them with leverage as they bring the club down toward the ball. While amateurs may not have as pronounced of a move with their front leg, they still initiate the hamstring muscles on the downswing, especially in their front leg. The more you engage the hamstring and other leg muscles and push the front leg into the ground, the more leverage and clubhead speed is produced.
Overcompensating for a Sore Hamstring
An area of the swing that could cause discomfort if you are playing golf with a sore hamstring could be a result of overcompensation for the soreness by putting greater pressure on other muscles and tendons. In addition, you may not be able to get leverage on the downswing if the hamstring is too sore to engage it as you normally would. In addition, overcompensating for a sore hamstring could make you put more strain on the lower part of your leg and your back.
The Hamstring Adds Power to the Swing
According to Ron Kaspriske of "Golf Digest," the hamstring and glute muscles are crucial to power and stability in the golf swing. If you are suffering from sore hamstring muscles, it is important to do low-impact exercises that will help the hamstrings gain strength without injuring the hamstring further. Craig Davies, fitness trainer on the PGA Tour, suggests doing reverse lunges and add strength to the hamstring without putting the strain on the legs that doing traditional squats does.
Strengthening the Hamstring
A key part of preventing hamstring and other muscle problems affected in the golf swing is to work on strengthening the muscles that are used most in the swing. Mark Verstegen, a golf fitness instructor in Arizona, suggests doing one-legged lifts while bent over at the waist to help strengthen the core along with the hamstring muscles and to also promote better balance. While balancing on one leg, bend over and point one leg straight out so that it is in line with your upper body. With a dumbbell placed in the opposite hand of the raised leg, pull up toward your upper body, being sure to engage the muscles in the back.