Saturday, January 14, 2012

Good Short Arm Throw Techniques in Baseball

Technique on the mound often is the key factor in a pitcher's consistency. A pitcher wants to use a long and smooth delivery that allows him to throw the ball with velocity. When a pitcher short-arms the ball, he is neither winding up properly to prepare for his release nor making a full follow-through. The short-arm pitcher uses a limited motion to try to get more control on his pitch, but that delivery usually is ineffective against top-level hitters.
Step 1
Push off hard with your legs when you are pitching. Instead of using the power in their legs to achieve more velocity, they ignore that and think about arm motion. When you push hard off the rubber, you will also
Step 2
Turn the shoulder of your gloved hand toward the batter as you begin your motion. Point your glove toward the plate as you begin your motion. This will serve as a guide for you and get you to develop a full motion toward home plate and not a short-arm motion.
Step 3
Throw with an overhand motion. Short-armers tend to throw with a tight three-quarters or sidearm motion. The pitcher wants control when he pitches, and throwing with a short-armed motion makes the pitcher think he has more accuracy. Instead, he is aiming the ball. If it does go over the plate, it won't have much velocity or movement, and it will be easy for the batter to hit the ball hard.
Step 4
Reach to the ground after you release the ball. Pitching coaches tell pitchers to "pick up the dollar" to help develop a strong follow-through. Reaching for an imaginary dollar bill on the ground will help a pitcher get a full follow-through. Short-arm pitchers often stop abruptly after releasing the ball. Following through guarantees that the pitcher will use a full motion.

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