Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Best Boxing Plyometric Training

Plyometric training utilizes short bursts of explosive movement to build muscle strength. The goal is to create the greatest amount of force in the shortest amount of time, resulting in stronger muscles and improved athletic performance. A plyometric box, or plyo box, aids in the training, providing a stable platform to jump on and off. Typical plyo boxes measure between 6 and 24 inches in height. Plyo box exercises improve leg strength, balance and coordination.
Lateral Step-Up
Stand sideways next to a 12 inch plyo box with the closest foot on the box and the outside foot planted on the ground. Now use the leg on the box to raise your body into the air until the leg becomes fully extended. Lower yourself back to the start position and repeat. Never push off the ground with the outside foot. Only use the bent leg to do all the lifting.
Alternating Push-Off
Take a position in front of the plyo box with one foot on the box, close to the nearest edge, and the other foot on the ground. Once again, use the bent leg to raise your body -- but this time swing your arms to help propel you into the air. When you land, alternate your original stance, so the foot that was on the ground now lands on the box, while the other foot lands on the ground. Continue to repeat the movement, alternating legs each time.
Box Jump
Jumping places tremendous pressure on the leg muscles, which need to contract and explode to propel the body forward. The box jump -- one of the basic exercises in plyometrics -- requires you to jump up on the plyo box and then jump immediately backwards into the start position. Be sure to jump and land with both feet each time.
Depth Jump
This exercise requires two plyo boxes, preferably one shorter than the other. Begin standing on the shorter plyo box. Don't jump but step off the smaller box, landing on both feet and immediately jump onto the taller plyo box. Try to jump as quickly as possible between the two boxes. Stepping off the first box forces your leg muscles to compress before exploding up onto the other plyo box.
Long Jump
Similar in principle to the depth jump, the long jump only requires one plyo box. Instead of jumping onto a taller plyo box, you simply step off the box and immediately launch into a traditional long jump, covering as much ground as possible. Again, land and then jump off both feet as quickly as possible for maximum benefit.

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