Thursday, January 12, 2012

4 Things to Know About Vegan Diets

Consuming a vegan diet based on fruits, vegetables and whole grains can reduce the number of calories you consume every day. Additionally, vegetables, fruits and whole grains provide fiber, which can keep you feeling full and prevent overeating.
Step 1
Calculate your daily calorie needs based on age, sex and activity level using an online calculator or by consulting a registered dietitian. Deduct 250 calories from your daily needs to obtain your target calorie intake. Reducing daily caloric intake by 250 yields a 1/2 pound per week weight loss, or 2 pounds per month.
Step 2
Stock your kitchen with a variety of plant-based foods such as nuts, seed oils, soy products, fresh fruits and vegetables. From the grains group, choose brown rice, couscous, bulgur and other unprocessed grains. For protein, include legumes like lentils and beans.
Step 3
Make a meal plan and use healthy cooking methods like baking, steaming or boiling. For someone on a 1,800 calorie diet, eat three meals of 500 calories each with two snacks around 150 calories each. suggests eating scrambled tofu with whole wheat bread and fruit for breakfast. For lunch, eat a baked bean soup with fruit and for dinner eat a whole grain like quinoa, which supplies protein, with grilled vegetables. Include two small snacks, like a handful of almonds or soy yogurt. Eat according to recommended serving sizes on food labels.
Step 4
Incorporate moderate exercise such as 30 minutes per day of walking four days per week.Track calories expenditure and consumption in a journal and adjust food intake to make sure you consume less than you expend.

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