Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tips for Ballet Dancers

In the dance world, dance comes from the inside out. This doesn't simply mean the passion you see exuding from dancers in all genres. This statement can be taken quite literally, as the strength of the core muscles are constantly engaged and supplying power to the rest of your limbs. Dance exercises target the abs, contributing to a firmer, sleeker middle. Always perform a good warmup before attempting these or any other forms of exercise.
Ballet-inspired Exercise
Ballet dance requires you to lengthen your torso and contract the abs at all times. A ballet exercise that targets the abs isometrically is the battement tendu jete, also known in other schools as a battement degage. Stand in ballet first position, with your heels together and your toes facing out. Inhale and tightly contract the abdominals, lengthening your entire spine. While maintaining a lifted torso, extend your leg to the front, about 45 degrees off the floor, and return to ballet first position. Repeat this step for three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions on each leg.
Belly Dance-inspired Exercise
In belly dancing, it is necessary to have control over your pelvis. This is so you may be able to relax into your hips and perform hip rotations with ease. This control requires a lot of work from your abs. A belly dance exercise that targets the abs is a hip circle. Stand with feet hip-width apart, abs contracted, and drop your hips to the right. Move your hips in a complete circle to the right, then repeat to the left. Perform three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.
Latin-inspired Exercise
Latin dance is a sensual dance that contains a lot of hip work as well. In some Latin dances, you are expected to shake your hips and move your feet quickly, requiring an engaged core. To get a slim belly, try the basic moves of the salsa dance. Begin with feet together, dropping your weight into your hips and pulling your abdominals in tight toward your spine. Hold this contraction as you step forward with your right foot, touching your toe to the floor and immediately returning your foot to the starting position. Step to the back on the left foot, touching your left toe to the floor and immediately returning to the start position. Keep repeating at a quick pace for 20 to 30 seconds and then perform the dance again with your left foot moving forward first.
Hip-Hop-inspired Exercise
Hip-hop requires a lot of strength and discipline. In most styles of hip-hop, the core acts as your powerhouse. Isolations are a hip-hop exercise that develops the abdominal muscles. For abdominal isolations, stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Keep all other body parts still while you extend your stomach forward and quickly pull your abdomen back in toward your spine. Keep control when you push your abdomen forward; don't overarch your back. Think of hollowing out your stomach as you pull your abdomen to the back, toward your spine.

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