Saturday, December 31, 2011

Foods That Can Cause Pimples

Acne results from numerous processes that affect oil production and skin cell turnover. As far as using diet to treat this condition, nothing has been firmly established in the way of scientific evidence, but some research suggests connections between certain foods. Changes in diet often do not work for everyone afflicted with a particular condition, but it is a change worth experimenting with.

Australian Research on Carbohydrates and Acne

Researchers from RMIT University in Australia conducted a study testing the effects of certain carbohydrates on the incidence of acne after observing that non-Western populations have a lower incidence of this skin condition. They believed this disparity was possibly linked to diet. For 12 weeks, 43 males aged 15 to 25 ate either a diet consisting of 25 percent protein and 45 percent low-glycemic index carbohydrates–carbohydrates that cause a slower rise in blood sugar--or a diet rich in all types of carbohydrates--the control group. At the conclusion of the study, participants in the treatment group experienced a reduction in lesions almost twice as great as the control group. The results of their study were published in the July 2007 issue of ''The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.''

South Beach Diet Study

The South Beach Diet, created by cardiologist Arthur Agatston, places heavy emphasis on what types of carbohydrates to include in the diet, emphasizing low-glycemic carbohydrates. A study published in the "American Journal of the Academy of Dermatology" in 2009 gathered data from survey respondents regarding their skin condition while following the South Beach Diet. Overall, 80 percent of respondents reported their skin improved within three months of beginning the diet.

Insulin and Acne

The types of carbohydrates you eat influence the amount of insulin released–the hormone that helps move the sugar created from the carbohydrates out of the blood and into the cells for energy. Eating quickly digesting carbohydrates leads to a greater production in insulin. High levels of this hormone can trigger negative effects. When it comes to acne, the South Beach Diet researchers note that high insulin levels may set off a chain of reactions that lead to an increase in oil production and increased production and build up of skin cells that can block the pores.

Food Choices

Items with a high glycemic index include refined grains and sugar-rich foods and drinks. Choose whole grain bread, pastas made from whole grains and brown rice over white bread, white rice and pasta made from refined grain. When it comes to limiting sugar, the major suggestions are pretty obvious–cut back on cookies, cakes, candy and soda. While fruit is healthful, pure fruit juices are often high in sugar; choose whole fruit instead. Watch out for sugar alcohols too–often used in place of sugar due to having fewer calories--such as mannitol, xylitol and sorbitol. explains that sugar alcohols can raise blood sugar levels too. Artificial sweeteners do not, however.

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