Obtaining a myofascial massage certification means you are certified to perform a physical therapy technique that massages and stretches connective tissues between muscles. Pain elimination, enhancing flexibility and restoring health to these tissues is the goal of myofascial massage. Some conditions alleviated by this massage include fibromyalgia, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and sports injuries. Certification requires attending classes to learn about the myofascial tissues, massage therapy techniques and medical conditions affecting the lower and upper extremities.
Details of Becoming Certified
Classes are taught by someone who is certified in myofascial massage as well as other massage therapy techniques. Usually, teachers have bachelor of science degrees in physical therapy with an emphasis on myofascial release therapy. Program length consists of a seminar lasting up to five days, with some schools incorporating myofascial massage instruction into a regular massage therapy curriculum. As of the date of publication, the cost of getting certified can run anywhere from $200 to $450, depending on the length of the seminar. Usually, myofascial massage certification awards students with credits that count as continuing education credits for those already certified as physical, occupational or massage therapists.
Career Outlook and Salary
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the occupation of massage therapy will see job growth of about 19 percent in the next 15 years. Salary amounts for certified myofascial massage therapists can range from $27,000 up to $64,000 per year, as of the date of publication. However, experience, location and whether a therapist works for someone else or is self-employed will influence yearly income.
Career Choice
People interested in becoming a myofascial massage therapist should possess several qualities and have an interest in alternative healing techniques. Being comfortable with touching people is a definite necessity, along with having a natural ability to communicate and make people feel comfortable when discussing medical conditions. Building a permanent client base is important to being a successful myofascial therapist. Taking courses in interpersonal communication is recommended in addition to regular certification classes.
Myofascial Massage Training Courses
According to Healing-schools.com, myofascial massage training can be found in California at the Mill Valley, Diamond Light School of Massage and Healing; in Pompano, Florida, at the American Institute of Massage Therapy; and in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the School of Orthopedic Massage and Bodywork. Continuing education courses may be given by local massage therapy schools in your area as well, depending on accreditation of the school.