Saturday, December 31, 2011

5 Effective Workouts for Arms Muscles

Building bigger arms is the result of dedication, proper exercises and nutrition. Exercise all parts of the arms, which include the biceps, triceps, forearms and shoulders. Vary your hand positions when using dumbbells and barbells to get all parts of your muscles. Do not neglect other muscles, such as your chest and back, to keep your body in proportion. If you are new to exercise, talk to a doctor before beginning.
According to the National Strength and Conditioning Association, to achieve muscle growth or hypertrophy, lift a weight that fatigues your muscles in about two to three sets of eight to 12 repetitions. The weight you choose has to fatigue your muscles to a point where you feel you cannot do any more than one or two more repetitions. If you get to 12, and could continue to 15 reps easily, then increase your weight. Utilize about a 30-second rest time between sets to allow your muscle to recover.
Training Splits
Focus weight training on your arms at least once per week. In addition, you will likely target the biceps and triceps on other workout days. When you work your back muscles through pulling exercises such as lat pulldowns and seated rows, your biceps are the secondary muscle that assists with the pulling. Likewise, when you train your chest and shoulders with pushing motions such as chest and shoulder presses, bench presses and pushups, your triceps assist with the motion. To mix up your training splits, on the days you work your back, also work your triceps. On chest or shoulder days, work your biceps.
Drop Sets
It is more beneficial for your muscles if you change up your routine frequently to avoid hitting a plateau. suggests adding in drop sets every few workouts. Do a normal set of eight to 12 repetitions, then immediately after your last repetition, take about 10 percent of the weight off and push out repetitions until failure. Continue dropping 10 percent of the weight for three or four sets. When using lighter weights, continually grab the next lighter dumbbell.
Supersets combine exercises that work the same or opposing muscle groups with little or no rest in between. For example, a superset with the same muscle group is a barbell biceps curl immediately followed by a hammer curl. This allows for slight variation in muscular training, but not full recovery. A superset with opposing muscle groups is a cable biceps curl immediately followed by a cable triceps pulldown.
Proper nutrition is crucial when doing anything involving changes in your body. One of the biggest mistakes people make is either not getting enough protein, or getting too much protein. For bodybuilding purposes, the NSCA recommends about one gram of protein per pound of body weight. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles, and without it, they will continually break down and catabolize rather than build. Too much protein in excess of two grams per pound of body weight can lead to a serious condition called ketosis, in which your body uses protein as its primary energy source rather than fats and carbohydrates.

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