Saturday, December 31, 2011

Power Benefits of Theraband Exercises for Speedy Pithers

Therabands provide the throwing athlete a convenient tool to strengthen, stabilize, warm up and rehabilitate the upper back, shoulders and arms. Theraband exercises provide resistance through the entire range of motion. Therabands are available in a variety of resistance levels and easily fit into a gym bag or carry-on bag. Performing all exercises bilaterally helps develop coordination and strength in both arms. This helps promote overall health, fitness and prevention of injury.
Wrist Flexion
Anchor the theraband to a sturdy pole, chair or table. Wrap the band around your right hand and grip it tightly. Stand with your right shoulder facing the fixed end of the band and position yourself far enough away to elicit resistance in the band. Bend your right elbow 90 degrees and tuck your upper arm against your side. Bend your right wrist backward toward the band, exhale and bend your wrist toward the front of your forearm. Execute 12 to 20 repetitions then reposition yourself and perform the identical exercise with the left wrist. This exercise targets your forearm muscles that attach to the pinkie side of the elbow and flex the wrist.
Wrist Extension
Tie the theraband to a sturdy pole, chair or table. Wrap the band around your right hand and grip it firmly. Stand or sit with your left shoulder facing the fixed end of the band so the band runs across the front of your body. Distance yourself far enough from the fixed end of the band to create resistance in the band. Bend your right elbow 90 degrees and tuck your upper arm against your side. Flex your right wrist toward the band, exhale and bend your wrist toward the back of your forearm. Execute 12 to 20 repetitions, reposition yourself and perform 12 to 20 repetitions with your left wrist. This lift develops the forearm muscles that attach to the thumb side of the elbow and extend the wrist.
Arm Raise
Attach the theraband around your left foot. Grip the other end with your right hand and wrap the band around your right wrist and hand. Obtain very slight resistance in the band while holding your right hand in front of your left thigh with your palm facing the leg and elbow slightly bent. Exhale and raise your right arm across your body until it's over your head and out to the side as far as possible with your palm facing front. Maintain the slight bend in your elbow throughout the entire motion. Inhale and lower your arm to the starting position. Perform 12 to 20 repetitions with each arm to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles.
Reverse Pitch
Anchor the theraband to your left foot. Grip the other end with your right hand and wrap it around your wrist and hand to secure your hold. Start with your right hand in front of your left thigh with your palm facing your leg. Exhale and pull your right shoulder blade backward toward your spine. Bend your right elbow to 90 degrees and raise your right arm across your body until it is parallel to the floor and pulled backward as far as possible. Rotate your shoulder until your palm faces forward. Exhale and lower your arm in slow, controlled steps. Execute 12 to 20 reps then switch sides and repeat with the left arm. This exercise re-establishes correct body biomechanics and strengthens the mid-back and posterior shoulder muscles.

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